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January 25, 2010
Meeting:        Salem Licensing Board held Monday January 25, 2010 at 6:00 pm in the third floor conference room, 120 Washington Street. Present were Members: John Casey and Rick Lee, Investigator Lt. Ouellette and Melissa Pagliaro, Clerk.  Absent was Robert St. Pierre, Chairman.
Approved:       Store Fortunetelling License. Applicant: Spellbound Museum. Present: Molly Stewart.
        Ms. Stewart said that she is renewing her store license but has not yet found any decent readers. She said she wants to keep the license though in case she does.
        Lt. Ouellette said the BOP was cleared.
        Mr. Lee motioned to renew the license.
        Mr. Casey seconded              
No Show:        New England Magic for renewal of a Store Foretelling License.    

Approved:       One Day Liquor License. Applicant: The Athenaeum. Present: Jody Smith.
                Ms. Smith said there are two events.
Mr. Lee motioned to approve the application for January 28, 2010 for 40 people from 5-7 pm at pending the receipt of the insurance certificate.
                Mr. Casey seconded

Mr. Lee motioned to approve the second application for March 6, 2010 for 250 people from 7-10 pm at Hamilton Hall, also pending the receipt of the insurance certificate.
Mr. Casey motioned to approve

Approved:       Series of One Day Liquor Licenses. Applicant: City of Salem, Council on Aging.
        Mr. Lee said we did this last year for the Center just for liability purposes. These Licenses are for pizza parties that the Senior Center has for the seniors throughout the year where they offer a glass of beer or wine to the seniors with the pizza.
        The dates for these pizza parties are
Mr. Lee motioned to approve
                Mr. Casey seconded

Approved:       Request to increase number of vehicles on Class II Auto Dealers lot. Present: A1 Auto, Gary Nadeau, owner       
       Mr. Nadeau showed the existing plan to the Board. He said he is asking the Board for 21 more vehicles and the permission to continue to have 6 vehicles inside which he currently has.
        Mr. Casey this is a result of he and lt. Ouellette going out and doing inspections. He said they talked with Mr. Nadeau about the fact that he was over the number of allowed cars on their last visit. Mr. Casey suggested Mr. Nadeau come before the Board because he has the room for the additional vehicles.
        Mr. Lee said that all the additional spots have to be striped off by May 15, 2010.
        Mr. Lee motioned to approve
        Mr. Casey seconded

Discussion:     Pegasus Auto, 39 Bridge Street, to discuss the condition of the lot.
        Mr. Casey said that the Board is still concerned about the condition that the lot is being kept in. He said that he and Lt. Ouellette have been there and it is still not clean.
        Mr. Kopolous asked Mr. Casey what he meant by clean and said that his lot is always swept clean.        
        Mr. Casey said that whenever he and Lt. Ouellette go by for an inspection or to talk to Mr. Kopolous he is never there.
        Lt. Ouellette said he thinks that there is some confusion in distinguishing the three companies that sit on that lot. He said there is a repair shop, a repossession company and Pegasus.
        Mr. Kopolous said that the repossession company put up a 6 foot stockade wooden fence that completely blocks his business. He said he now has no visibility.
        Lt. Ouellette said that without confusing him with the other two businesses he thinks that these licensees have kept there lot clean since last time they were in.
        Mr. Casey said that maybe Mr. Kopolous should think about looking into another spot for his lot. He said that currently there are none available.
        Mr. Kopolous said that the fence has completely blocked his business. He said that he is not happy there. He said he is willing to break the lease and pay what he owes on it if he could find another lot.
        Mr. Lee agrees that maybe the Board has confused Mr. Kopolous’ business with the other two on the lot. He said that he thinks the Building Inspector should have a look at the fence. He asked Ms. Pagliaro to send a letter to the Building Department and copy Counselor Sosnowski on it.
        Lt. Ouellette asked Mr. Kopolous if it was Nestor Finance Co. who put the fence up.
        Mr. Kopolous said that he believed it was.
        Lt. Ouellette said if they are keeping vehicles on the lot for wholesale they might be out of the definition of their license.
        Counselor Sosnowski discussed the several complaints he gets about this area.

Approved:       Common Victualler’s Application. Applicant: Subway. Present: Nicole Hood, manager.      
        Mr. Casey said that this Board has been chasing down Subway for three years to come in and apply for this Common Victualler’s License. He said that the Board also wants t collect on the two other years fees in addition to this years.
        Mr. Lee said that they have slid by but to go through the corporate office and get what she needs to get this done.
        Mr. Casey said that this was not new to them and in addition to the Board chasing them Ms. Pagliaro has chased them for the last year.
        Ms. Hood said that unfortunately she has not been manger long and that she was just thrown into this.
        Mr. Lee said it is nothing against her personally but to work with corporate
        Mr. Lee motioned to approve and collect application fees for 2008 & 2009 as well as 2010.
        Mr. Casey seconded
Approved:       Common Victualler’s License. Applicant: Paul Linder owner of Anna’s Pizzeria and Roger Williams, manager.       
        Mr. Casey said this application is for the space in which Big Peter’s was in.
Mr. Lee said this is like the 3rd or 4th time that this business has switched hands since he has been on the LB.
        Mr. Linder said he hoped to make it successful.
        Mr. Casey asked when he planned on opening.
        Mr. Linder said as soon as he possibly can.
        Mr. Casey asked about trash and asked where it would be getting dumped.
        Mr. Linder said that he has a contract for the dumpster that is out back.
        Mr. Casey said that there have been issues there previously with the dumpster being emptied very early in the morning and disturbing residents. He also said that Mr. Linder has to make sure his dumpster is locked  because he is responsible for whatever is dumped in there whether it is his or not.
        Mr. Linder said that he had spoken to the management company for the condos about the notice but nothing was mentioned about the trash.
        Mr. Lee motioned to approve conditioned upon signatures from Health, Fire, receiving a floor plan and payment. Hours of 11am-10pm 7 days a week         
        Mr. Casey seconded      
Approved:       Application for Annual All Alcohol License granted through Home Rule Petition. Applicant: Green Land Café. Present: Paul Bolden, owner. 
        Mr. Casey said that is has been a long road for Mr. Bolden and asked when he planned on opening.
        Mr. Bolden said that it has and he hopes to open sometime in April.
        Mr. .Casey asked if the plans have changed.
        Mr. Bolden said that he is going to go a bit more upscale on the food end and that the kitchen plan has changed a little bit.
        Mr. Casey asked about the hours.
        Mr. Bolden said that he still is planning on an early open at 8am, serving pastries and coffee and then around noon sandwiches for lunch and then small plates and tapas in the evening. He would like to close at 1am.
        He said it is a 1am license but that he will probably close around midnight.
        Councilor Sosnowski said that he just want to make sure that Mr. Bolden knows he cannot sell alcohol before noon on Sundays.
        Mr. Bolden said he was aware of that and did not plan on selling alcohol on any day before noon most likely.
        Mr. Lee spoke about the closing hour’s rules. He said that last call is at 12:30 am and that all drinks are to be off tables by 12:45 and patrons are to be out at 1am. He said that staff is allowed inside the establishment until 2am for clean up purposes only.
        Mr. Casey said while staff is cleaning there is to be no beverages at all being consumed. He also said that he would like to have all of the servers and bartenders TIPS certified. Mr. Casey spoke about the entertainment license that was granted with the Seasonal Application.
        Mr. Golden said that he was originally granted a 2 or 3 piece band but really doesn’t intend on that much entertainment. He said he may occasionally have a 1 person act.
        Mr. Lee asked if he would have a TV or radio.
        Mr. Casey asked about piped in music inside and out in the patio.
        Mr. Bolden said that he would like to have very soft music in the courtyard to set the tone, but would have no loud music out there. He said he will abide by whatever rules the Board sets for him on that issue.
                Mr. Lee asked how far along they are on the inside.
        Mr. Bolden said there is still quite a ways to go.
***Discussion on the outdoor seating that was already approved with the Seasonal application. Mr. Casey asked Mr. Bolden to get a letter from the City Council on what capacity was issued for the patio area.
Mr. Lee motioned to approve the Annual All Alcohol License granted through Home Rule petition.
Mr. Casey seconded

Entertainment License was also approved for 3 pieces, TV, radio and piped in music, same as Seasonal.
Mr. Lee motioned to approve
Mr. Casey seconded

Councilor Sosnowski said he wanted to make sure that Mr. Bolden understood he could not serve alcohol until noon in Sundays and also that he would like to have a contact number so if there are a y issues with the music outback he has a way to contact him.


Mr. Lee asked Ms. Pagliaro to get a get a letter from Fire Prevention regarding parking of vehicles for adjacent to building and something specifically in writing for the Class II Auto Dealer at 282 Canal Street.
Mr. Lee motioned to approve
Mr. Casey seconded

Mr. Lee motioned to send a request to the Building Commissioner to inspect the fence on the property at 39 Bridge Street.
Mr. Lee motioned to approve
Mr. Casey seconded

***Discussion: Councilor Sosnowski said that regarding the fence people may be rushing to get things done before ordinances change. He said he gets several complaints on this area. He said lots of people ask for a fence to be put up so they don’t have to look at the site but it is not ok if it was not done legally.
Mr. Casey questioned if it was even legal to have storage of vehicles in that location.

Approved:       Meeting Minutes from January 11, 2010
Mr. Lee motioned to approve
Mr. Casey seconded

ications:       Lt. Ouellette spoke about a fight out by the Bewitched statue. He said that it involved loaded guns and knives. He said he is not yet sure which establishment’s people involved came from yet.                 
        He also said that Officer’s will be present for the O’Neill’s Hearing.
        He asked if the LB wanted officers there for Strega as well.
        Mr. Lee said yes.

ment:   Mr. Lee motioned to adjourn     
        Mr. Casey seconded

Respectfully Submitted,

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board

Submitted: January 27, 2010
Approved: February 8, 2010